Founded in 1907, The Law Society of Hong Kong welcomed its 115th anniversary in 2022. In celebration of this momentous milestone, the Law Society today (26 July 2023) soft-launched its English-language 115th anniversary book “Changing Times, Steadfast Purpose: The Law Society at 115” (the “115A Book”).
As part of its celebration of the 100th anniversary back in 2007, the Law Society published an anniversary book recording the centenary history of the professional body (the “Centenary Book”). The newly launched 115A Book is designed, with the great effort of the Working Party on Historical Archive (“WPHA”), to supplement the Centenary Book with a number of new chapters covering the accomplishment and historical moments of the Law Society and the legal profession over the past 15 years, from 2007 up to 2022. The new chapters importantly cover:
– The global financial crisis and China’s economic rise (2007 – 2015)
– Local unrest, global pandemic (2016 – 2022)
– Thematic review of growth of the legal profession, foreign lawyers and law firms in Hong Kong, support for members , embrace of technology, seizing of opportunities beyond the border and community services
– Way forward
The Law Society has grown from a membership of just seven people in 1907 to around 13,000 today. At the same time the global and local environment has transformed rapidly, perhaps never so dramatically as in the 15 years covered by the 115A Book. Mr C. M. Chan, President of the Law Society, said in the Foreword to the 115A Book: “The Law Society has remained steadfast in its commitment to maintaining time-honoured professional standards, defending and supporting the legal profession, and upholding the rule of law and judicial independence… This book also covers events unprecedented in the history of Hong Kong, posing totally new challenges to lawyers here and internationally… The law is greater than pandemics and other social upheavals, and indeed is an important part of what helps us handle such challenges well.”
Today’s 115A Book Launch was graced with a warm attendance of Past Presidents, Law Society officials, WPHA members, and those who have made significant contributions to the 115A Book. In his speech, President Mr C. M. Chan said that the 115A Book is a record of the Past Presidents’ remarkable accomplishment under their visionary leadership and dedication to the legal profession. He also thanked the WPHA chaired by Mr Fred Kan, and the editorial team led by Dr Simon Alderson.

legal story. It is now publicly available in e-book version, and your journey through the history of the Law Society starts here Production of print copies of this publication and in a Chinese version is under consideration. Please stay tuned.