Urban Planning and Environmental Law Quarterly (Dec 2023)
Hong Kong’s emerging (if belated) public support for effective environmental conservation has seemingly filtered through to the always influential business sector; as illustrated by the recently imposed requirement for listed companies to submit annual “environmental, social and governance” (ESG) reports. Another, less desirable, result, is the emerging practice of corporate “greenwashing”, which we consider in this edition
Urban Planning and Environmental Law Quarterly (Sep 2023)
As is the case in most developed countries, companies, listed on Hong Kong’s Stock Exchange are now required to disclose their business policies and practices affecting environmental, social and corporate governance matters, referred to as “ESG” requirements; In this edition we consider aspects of Hong Kong’s nascent ESG regime with particular focus on the environmental component.
Urban Planning and Environmental Law Quarterly (Jun 2023)
The world’s natural environment continues to be degraded at an alarming rate due to damaging human activities, population growth and a general lack of will on the part of political and industry leaders to implement meaningful measures to halt and reverse environmental degradation. In this edition we review the fourteen most serious global environmental problems, as assessed by respected environmental NGO, Earth.Org, with particular focus on the extinction of fauna and flora species.
Urban Planning and Environmental Law Quarterly (Mar 2023)
The 2021 – 2022 Fred Kan & Co prize for the most meritorious dissertation submitted for the degree of Master of Science (Environmental) at the University of Hong Kong was awarded to Chan Ho Ching for his dissertation titled: “A case study on the effectiveness of Community Recycling Stores in Hong Kong”, which is reviewed in this edition of the UPELQ.
Urban Planning and Environmental Law Quarterly (Feb 2023)
Hong Kong’s natural environment faces many threats on various fronts. In this edition, we summarise some of Hong Kong’s main environmental issues, in no particular order of priority.